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Invite you

The Healthcare Cybersecurity Derby:             Winning Strategies for Managing the Unmanaged

Join us for a unique virtual Mint Julep Tasting event that combines the excitement of the Kentucky Derby with critical discussions on navigating the challenges of 405(d) HICP compliance. This exclusive roundtable brings together leading healthcare professionals to share insights and best practices for balancing cybersecurity, compliance, and patient care priorities, with a special focus on securing vulnerable unmanaged devices.

Date: May 2nd | Time: 2:00 - 3:00pm PT

Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in a roundtable discussion, and network with peers facing similar challenges, all while enjoying a festive Derby-inspired atmosphere complete with a mint julep mixology class.

Dust off your favorite Kentucky Derby hat and get ready for an engaging, informative, and flavorful experience! RSVP Now to Secure Your Spot!

To register, fill in this form to RSVP.