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See What’s Possible with Elisity

  • Increased Efficiency - Quickly segment your network without adding new hardware or needing to take your network down for long periods of time.
  • Total Visibility - See which devices, users, and applications are on the network and adjust policies to protect them as necessary.
  • Scalable Solutions - Deploy microsegmentation with adaptable policy and architecture options, enabling scalability for an ever-evolving threat landscape.

Gain complete visibility to asset behavior

Control traffic flows with precision and efficiency

Manage policy ubiquitously from a single, cloud-delivered portal

Continuously monitor all access

Uncover intelligence to recommend, enforce policy

Observe, learn, recommend, and continually optimize policy


What our customers are saying


In my 30 years of working in technology and security, I’ve never delivered a product into an environment and got instant benefit like we did with Elisity

Paul Haywood, CISO at Bupa